Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Stardate: 203321

This is all very odd. The Storm has powered up but isn't responding to our comms and is even blocking a transport ping. We're prepping a shuttle so we can manually dock if necessary. I think our sensors are out of whack – it even looks like they're powering up weapons.

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Stardate: 203320

We've just arrived at the Storm's location and, sure enough, it's dead as...well, as a GE-class starship with massive power failure. We're just trying to contact the crew now, but if their backup is low it will be focusing on life support and nothing else; we're just going to have to beam across. The SLC will have to wait until this is sorted.

Monday, 29 December 2008

Stardate: 203319

Sure enough, we've been given a mission and it’s a pretty straightforward tow job. The GE-Storm has suffered massive power failure and we’ve been designated to tow it to the nearest port. Having said that, the Storm is exactly the same model as the Forge, so DuMond is quietly confident that we can fix it in situ. We’ll see.

Friday, 26 December 2008

Stardate: 203318

We're down to the last four. It's tight this year, tighter than I can remember it for a long time. It's normally about now that we have to break off for a random mission from...

>incoming transmission...

Oh for goodness sake!

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Stardate: 203317

I watched an absolutely brilliant transhockey match yesterday. It could of gone either way, right up to the last puck. What a game!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Stardate: 203316

Schedule's are always a nightmare to prepare this week – you never know who's going to be available and who is still going to be in the Championship. I ought to be stricter than I am, but it does wonders for the crew's morale.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Stardate: 203315

Many of the new crew haven't experienced the SLC before. It's often quite exciting to see if we get some real talent amongst the personnel. It all officially starts tomorrow and I think I'll pop down to watch a holoball game or two.

Monday, 22 December 2008

Stardate: 203314

It's that time of the year again. How can it have been a year already? Still, it always makes for an interesting few days. It's the Sports Lounge Championship.

Friday, 19 December 2008

Stardate: 203313

Technically we’ve broken about five different protocols running this experiment, so now I see why DuMond kept me out the loop. The Tracker has left us and now they need to present it to GE0 in a way that doesn’t get either of us in trouble. I hate the occasional politics of this job. Still, moving on…

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Stardate: 203312

Yesterday was an interesting day. I walk into engineering just in time to see a crew member transporting off the ship…during subphonic! Credit where it’s due, the crew of the Tracker have done an amazing job reprogramming the algorithms. Tommy is keen to explain it to me but it’s at the limit of my technical knowledge. Suffice to say, they did it!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Stardate: 203311

There’s a lot of excitement coming from engineering, so in 30 minutes I’m going to go striding in and see what the fuss is about. It is my ship after all.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Stardate: 203310

I wish I knew why we’re at subphonics and why the Tracker is flying closer than the specs say any ship should at this speed.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Stardate: 203309

DuMond has asked me to give him a bit of space for a couple of days. That translates into, ‘we’re trying something you wouldn’t approve of and you’re better off not knowing’. Sigh.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Stardate: 203308

We’ve left orbit and are heading to nowhere in particular with the Tracker. The destination isn’t important, it’s all about the journey. We don’t seem to have stopped for days and I’m shattered. More tomorrow.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Stardate: 203307

A great success! We’re all quietly pleased with ourselves, but the inhabitants of Trephiliacora Minor are ecstatic. They want to hold a party in our honour, but some ships have already left on new missions and the Captain of the GE-Tracker has asked if we would be willing to assist them in an experiment.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Stardate: 203306

We’re all lined up in the prearranged formation and all Nidus Dishes are set to ‘channel’ the asteroid around the planet. The calculations have all been triple checked, but it doesn’t change the fact that a massive asteroid is coming toward us.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Stardate: 203305

The inhabitants of this small planet are in the direct flight path of an asteroid only marginally smaller than them. Our directive from GE0 is to use our fleet to redirect the asteroid around the planet and on its way. The Trephiliacorans calculations are just being checked by our guys and then we step up in 12 hours.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Stardate: 203304

We have just arrived at Trephiliacora Minor. Most of the fleet is holding back as we can’t all get into safe orbit around such a relatively small planet. Their reported problem is obvious, both by scanners and by looking out a viewing port. Trephiliacora Minor is going to get crushed in two days.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Stardate: 203303

We should arrive tomorrow. I can’t wait.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Stardate: 203302

With all 30 ships in situ I have just been told that we are to make our way to Trephiliacora Minor. I should have spotted the common factor between every ship. We’re all flying models equipped with Nidus Dishes. That extra power will come in very handy.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Stardate: 203301

Another 24 ships have arrived in the last 24 hours! This is by far the biggest fleet I have ever seen, let alone captained. I am to contact GE0 when the last ship arrives, and we will receive our orders. Trust Captain McGregor to be late again.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Stardate: 203300

We’re approaching rendezvous coordinates and four ships have already arrived. I would imagine our number is almost complete, so we will open channels to all the ships and find out who we will be working with for the next few days.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Stardate: 203299

We’ve been asked to head a fleet! I can’t remember the last time I was even in a fleet, let alone heading one. Details of our mission are to follow, but it’s a privilege and one that I do not intend to fail at.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Stardate: 203298

A ground team has taken the scavenger down to the planet surface while DuMond sets up an orbiting beacon explaining the situation. I feel kind of bad, but we have to keep in mind that the creature stowed away on our ship and we have no control over white holes. Having said that, Tommy said he would work on an algorithm to detect white holes forming. It’s a long shot and won’t be ready for the foreseeable future, but it’s a start. Gerald, we wish you well.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Stardate: 203297

Coron 9 is one of the most mineral rich planets in the area. Gerald (they’ve got me doing it now) will be like the proverbial child in a sweet shop and hopefully will find it a suitable, if temporary, home. We’re on our way.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Stardate: 203296

The scavenger creature is looking poorly and I fear captivity is harming him. It’s hard to know what to feed him, but thus far he has been most interested in the food containers. We need to give him his freedom and scans of the area are showing just the place.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Stardate: 203295

This question of what we do with the white hole scavenger is proving tricky. We can’t wait for another white hole to appear and return him. It’s not practical to keep him, although some crew are growing quite fond of ‘Gerald’. Can we drop him on a planet and leave?

Monday, 24 November 2008

Stardate: 203294

So, having filled the ducts with some noxious substance that DuMond had concocted, our scavenger friend was forced into a store room that was promptly sealed off. He’s trapped and not particularly happy, but we are recovering all our equipment from various ducts on the ship. Now, what do we do with him?

Friday, 21 November 2008

Stardate: 203293

Well, engineering have come up with an ingenious plan, but we all have to wear our emergency breathing gear for half an hour. There’s a sense of slightly bemused excitement amongst the crew. I just hope we don’t get a call from GE0 while we all look like 3.0 androids.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Stardate: 203292

Ensign Garroud has been released from holding, as it is obvious she was a victim of circumstance. She’s being quite understanding about it all, but I think some added holodeck time is well in order. Meanwhile, engineering are looking at ways of flushing our unwanted passenger out.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Stardate: 203291

Found it! Security reported contact with a creature in one of the supply bays, dragging a deplasma unit into some ducting. It would appear we have a scavenger. The trouble now is, how do we capture it?

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Stardate: 203290

Looking back over system logs, Tommy says we gained the extra weight at the white hole. There are theories that white holes could support life. What have we picked up?

Monday, 17 November 2008

Stardate: 203289

We’re systematically scanning the ship, looking for the extra weight. I just hope this isn’t all a miscalculation and a massive waste of time.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Stardate: 203288

Now that’s interesting. DuMond tells me the ship weighs too much. It’s close, but having recalibrated the internal sensors, he says there is slight unaccounted for weight on the ship. The plot thickens...

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Stardate: 203287

Security Chief Marr has said the ensign maintains her innocence. He has also received a letter of recommendation from another crew member, saying how unlikely it is for the ensign to be guilty. I don’t like the idea of a thief amongst the crew anymore than he does, but the evidence isn’t looking good.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Stardate: 203286

Sure enough, my pen lit up like a Vornum’s heart. It turned up, along with all the other items, in the ceiling space of an ensign’s quarters. She protests her innocence but we have to confine her to security holding until this is sorted out.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Stardate: 203285

The new recruits have been quizzed but there’s still no sign of the missing items. I mentioned in passing about my pen and DuMond said we could scan the ship for rhodium, as my pen is the only item likely to contain it on the ship.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Stardate: 203284

Stratton is storming in where angels fear to tread. He’s organised a meeting with all staff new to the fleet at the start of our tour, and the Freedom’s crew. Knowing Stratton, it isn’t going to be pretty.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Stardate: 203283

This is now a major issue. Multiple items have now gone missing and as far as I am concerned there is a thief on board. I sincerely hope the arrival of the Freedom crew members is unrelated. Stratton is leading an investigation.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Stardate: 203282

I’m slightly concerned that DuMond has reported a valuable calibration tool missing today, and a few other crew members are commenting about ‘misplacing’ personal items. I seriously hope it is just coincidence.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Stardate: 203281

Really am quite annoyed about my pen. It was a gift from the crew of the Armour after our tour of duty finished. I missed appointments looking for that blessed pen!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Stardate: 203280

Sure enough, the white hole collapsed harmlessly and almost straight away we got comms from GE0. They were deeply concerned about our welfare. It was quite sweet really. Anyway, I’m meant to go and meet some more of the crew now, which I will do as soon as I find my rhodium plated pen. For goodness sake, where is it?

Monday, 3 November 2008

Stardate: 203279

Wow! It is beautiful. We have encountered a white hole. All my years in space and this is the first time I have encountered one of these amazing singularities. It’ll probably be gone within the hour, and it explains why our communications couldn’t reach GE0. These beasts will drag in any passing frequency for miles. Still, we may as well enjoy it whilst we’re here.

Friday, 31 October 2008

Stardate: 203278

Still no response from GE0. Navigation now informs me that there is an ‘anomaly’ detected in our path. That means they don’t know what it is. We’re going to see if these two things are connected.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Stardate: 203277

It will take us at least two weeks at full power to reach Earth, and we’re broadcasting almost constantly. In the meantime, I’m continuing my crew meet and greet. It seems to have taken a long time this time, but we have been pretty busy. At the Ms now.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Stardate: 203276

Well we don’t have much choice now – we have to leave the Meegans to find out why none of our communications are reaching GE0. DuMond assures me the comms system is fine, so we’ve set course for home.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Stardate: 203275

We really should leave Meegan dock, although they have given us an open invitation to stay. Five crew members from the Freedom are staying with us and the rest are to receive their new assignments forthwith.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Stardate: 203274

Yesterday seemed to go well. Everyone looked very smart, and my speech was, well, over quickly, thank goodness. All seem happy with their new assignments. I just hope they realise all the extra work it will entail.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Stardate: 203273

Can’t talk, I’m just heading out to the ceremony. I wonder who’s more nervous, the graduates or me.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Stardate: 203272

The ship is fully repaired and restocked, so we just have tomorrow to look forward to. If only I didn’t have to give these grad speeches. I need a speech writer.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Stardate: 203271

The Meegans have, of course, insisted that we stay on and have the graduation ceremony here. That seems like a fine idea, so everyone is pressing their dress uniforms ready for the day after tomorrow.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Stardate: 203270

retinal scan initialising
ident-systems engineer Garroud, Gwen
retinal scan complete
Power-down cycle...complete

**system initialising**
>dbase online<
level 1 diagnostics...running...complete
Updating firmware…complete
level 2 diagnostics...running...complete
System Errors Listed Below :-
no errors

retinal scan initialising
ident-systems engineer Garroud, Gwen
retinal scan complete - no errors
Accessing Personal Logs
System Ready - Clearing Screen. . .

Please Use Retinal Scan to Log In

retinal scan initialising
ident-captain Cartier, Edward
User locked
User log opened
Voice notation system started

An engineer has just updated my log, so apparently the audio is clearer and less prone to errors. I need all the help I can get after last night.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Stardate: 203269

The Meegans, in their typical fashion, have been in contact with GE0 and got numerous software updates prepared for us, along with a celebratory meal for the entire crew. There is an outside chance I may enjoy myself tonight.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Stardate: 203268

We're just pulling into Meegan dock now. Accepted personnel should have their promotions on their personal logs this morning. We'll stay here for a few days, stock up and repair where necessary. There may even be a few parties. I can't say I'm really in the mood though. My thoughts are light years away.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Stardate: 203267

I'm just updating staff records with recommendations for promotions. Some names have really stood out from both our crew and the Freedom's, so we should have many smiling faces tomorrow. It's almost like Siobhan's parting gift.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Stardate: 203266

We've been directed to make our way to a space port run by the Meegans. We have a good relationship with them and we can safely leave the Freedom's personnel there while they get reassigned to other ships. We may even keep a few on ourselves, but only those particularly well integrated into our crew.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Stardate: 203265

Siobhan's report included commendations and it's about time I reviewed the personnel files and see if some promotions are in order. In the meantime, we're in contact with GE0 to work out what we are going to do with the Freedom's crew. We certainly can't keep them with us for long – I swear we're having to use extra thrusters just to keep on course.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Stardate: 203264

We're through and were slightly more prepared this time, so damage has been kept to a minimum. Captain Ryan sent through her report from the crew exchange just before we left. I guess I was hoping for something else, but she kept it business to the end.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Stardate: 203263

DuMond reckons we’re as fit as we’re going to get, so we’re going back in to the wormhole. I just hope…

>incoming message – Captain Ryan, Siobhan – Authenticated

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Stardate: 203262

The Freedom left for the long journey home this morning. It breaks my heart to see Siobhan go, but it’s the nature of a captain’s job. I’ve tried a dozen times to send a final message across, but what do I say? ‘Hey babe, see you around’?

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Stardate: 203261

A small percentage of the Freedom’s personnel have requested a transfer. Still, a ‘small percentage’ is nearly double our crew manifest! Nearly everyone is having to share their quarters. We’re shoring everything up for the return journey and saying our goodbyes.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Stardate: 203260

Siobhan announced she was taking the long way home. It will take years, but she cannot be swayed and, in fairness, I would probably do the same thing. An offer has been made that any crew who want to leave the Freedom can come back through the wormhole with us.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Stardate: 203259

I cannot see a viable way of getting the Freedom back through the wormhole in one piece, and Captain Ryan certainly won’t abandon her ship. She isn’t really talking to me at the moment because of ‘endangering my ship and crew’ apparently. It’s out of genuine concern rather than an interest in protocol. I hope.

Friday, 3 October 2008

Stardate: 203258

The crew of the Freedom are all alive and no one is suffering from anything life-threatening, although some had passed out after the life-support stretched the air a little too thin. Captain Ryan is siding with Commander Stratton in feeling that I shouldn’t have taken the risk but the argument is pointless, as I did. The question now is how we get both ships and crews back to our space.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Stardate: 203257

Well that was certainly a rough ride but we’re basically intact. Our smaller size has probably worked to our advantage. The Freedom is floating right outside the exit point and scans show absolute minimal life support. That poor craft has taken an absolute beating. We’re teleporting Yung and her medical team over now.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Stardate: 203256

We’re going in.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Stardate: 203255

For the first time in a long time the first officer and I are not seeing eye to eye. Commander Stratton believes the risk to the ship and personnel of going through the wormhole is too high. I say nothing should stop us from potentially saving another crew. We’re taking a break, but we need to resolve this.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Stardate: 203254

This is the worst possible scenario as far as I’m concerned. We’ve followed the trajectory of the escape pod only to arrive at the mouth of a wormhole. The Freedom isn’t showing on scanners which really only leaves one possibility.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Stardate: 203253

One of the Freedom’s escape pods has just turned up on scanners. It’s unmanned, but it can’t be good news. We’ve set course to follow its trajectory.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Stardate: 203252

We’re having a crew party tonight to mingle the Freedom’s staff with ours. It will also keep my mind occupied for a while.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Stardate: 203251

Our mini-fleet has parted company and although I have every confidence in the ship, its crew and her captain, I’ll be a little on edge until we meet again. Come back to me S.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Stardate: 203250

The Freedom has been called away on some urgent mission. Captain Ryan and I discussed swapping the crews back but it seems to defeat the object of the exercise. The exchanged personnel will stay and, all being well, we’ll rendezvous in one week.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Stardate: 203249

I hope our crew are settling in well on the Freedom. I don’t think the Freedom personnel are used to the different dynamic in a smaller crew. Everyone knows everyone else and it’s a little more…personal. Isn’t that right Siobhan?

>error unrecognisable signal

Friday, 19 September 2008

Stardate: 203248

Our exchange crew left this morning and we received the Freedom’s. Ignoring the snide comments about the size difference, they seem like a good group. I would expect nothing less of a crew serving under as talented a captain as Siobhan. Which reminds me…

>external recording-start
>send to-Ryan, Siobhan

Well now young lady, I believe it must be your turn to cook tonight. I’ll port across at, say, 7. See you then.

>external recording-stop
>sending confirmed

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Stardate: 203247

The exchange crew received their assignments this morning and most seem quite excited. I would imagine they will spend their first day getting hopelessly lost.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Stardate: 203246

I’ve written up an exchange program of crew I want to send over to the Freedom, having consulted with senior staff. The larger ship would support us all going over, but I’ve limited it to 25 for the meantime. I now have to compare notes with Captain Ryan, which we may as well do over dinner. I’ve booked a lovely table at Lasserre Olographe.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Stardate: 203245

Siobhan and I have come up with a somewhat devious plan to keep us in the same sector. GE0 allows, and in fact encourages, crew exchanges for brief periods. It gives personnel, especially more inexperienced ones, the opportunity to experience the make up of a different ship. And it doesn’t get much more different than the Freedom.

Monday, 15 September 2008

Stardate: 203244

Captain Ryan and I have ‘adapted’ our flight paths to stay in close proximity for a while longer. I enjoy her company so it will be nice to spend a few more days with her. In the meantime, I’ve authorised a restructure request which will double the medical bay capacity. Yung doesn’t do happy, but she’ll be quietly satisfied.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Stardate: 203243

The Freedom is back in town. I was hoping we would bump into each other before long.

>external recording-start
>send to-Ryan, Siobhan

Good afternoon Siobhan! I hope you’re well. I believe I owe you from the Matak incident. Would you be happy to leave the Freedom in the capable hands of your first officer and join me for dinner tonight?

>external recording-stop
>sending confirmed
>reply request-pending

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Stardate: 203242

A quiet day – long overdue.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Stardate: 203241

This crew is looking tired. It’s been a hard few weeks in hindsight and about time we throttled back, in more ways than one. I’ve extended holodeck privileges for all personnel and may even have an evening on a beach myself.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Stardate: 203240

I’m not particularly happy with our contact ratio. So far, we’ve met two new planetary inhabitants and both have turned out to be less than trustworthy. Let’s hope our next contact is somewhat more constructive.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Stardate: 203239

It's nice to post a log in person rather than remotely. The Forge is well and truly back under our control after a botched hijack attempt by the Tolans. Having tracked our record-breaking speed run into their system, they took quite a shine to our ship and decided they could use it. All credit to a crew who refused to make their life easy.

Friday, 5 September 2008

Stardate: 203238

The Forge! We just saw the unmistakable fast moving star. So if it's back in orbit maybe, just maybe, the other two groups have been teleported aboard rather than captured. We're heading to high ground with the hope of being easily detectable. Let's hope the Forge gets to us before the Tolans do.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Stardate: 203237

The second group is lost, so we're on our own for all intents and purposes. It's increasingly apparent how much time I have spent on a ship, as my physical reserves are giving out. We're all tired, hungry and concerned for our crew mates. It's not looking good.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Stardate: 203236

The groups have been keeping in touch using encrypted transmitters built into our uniforms, but we've lost touch with one of the others. I guess they have been captured. Without the Forge, it won't be long before we join them.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Stardate: 203235

We've divided into three smaller groups to try and keep a low profile, and the rocky Tolan geology is working to our advantage. Still, I can't help feeling we're on borrowed time.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Stardate: 203234

We are topside having formulated an escape plan that will leave three Tolan guards feeling very groggy in the morning. I'll carry on using the remote logs although there is no sign of the ship. We're evading capture but there are a lot of us and it's a matter of time before we're tracked down.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Stardate: 203233

We are

>error unrecognisable signal

against our will.

>error unrecognisable signal

deep underground that I doubt the remote log is

>error unrecognisable signal

must try. We have a plan, but it’s

>error unrecognisable signal

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Stardate: 203232

The Forge appears as a fast moving star, even visible in daylight, about every six hours or so. I haven’t seen her for over twelve hours now, and Sash has no acceptable answers. Everything is still ‘broken’ and I believe the Forge has been taken. All the crew are gathering discreetly so we can decide what to do.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Stardate: 203231

Sash is trying to make us feel ‘at home’ but I’m sure there is something else going on. I’m trying to think of a way of communicating with the Forge using this remote log function, but it seems futile. No one has any reason to access my logs in my absence and I don’t know enough about the units to hack them anyway. On the off chance, if anyone receives this message, send an RP immediately.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Stardate: 203230

We are still on Tolan soil as their teleports are still down. And apparently their entire communication system is also down. I’m very uncomfortable with the whole scenario and am constantly pursuing the Commissioner. I doubt the remote logs are even working.

Monday, 25 August 2008

Stardate: 203229

At our attempted exit last night, the Tolans told us that their teleports had broken down. I’ve requested clearance for one of our remote pods to land, but Commissioner Sash assures me it won’t be necessary. This is the first time I’m using the remote function on the upgraded logs, so I’ll be interested to see what the quality is like.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Stardate: 203228

>memo send, all crew members

As many crew as wish, and do not have shifts, are invited to the surface for a party being held by the Tolan people before our exit tomorrow morning. I recommend those who can make the most of it as I cannot guarantee when we will next have a viable surface to stretch our ground legs.

>memo sent

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Stardate: 203227

Commissioner Sash assures me that the scan is with no ill intent, purely their protocol, which I understand. In view of the fact that they didn’t even start scanning us for 2 days, he tells me it is a demonstration of trust.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Stardate: 203226

DuMond tells me we were scanned all night last night. That concerns me a little, so I’m trying to contact Commissioner Sash.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Stardate: 203225

Last night was a great success – the Tolans certainly know how to meet and greet. We’ve brought back some detailed charts of the area, modules of Tolan history and some code for replicating typical Tolan recipes. The bean dessert sounds particularly good.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Stardate: 203224

I enjoy initial contacts, especially when they go as well as yesterday’s did. The Tolans appear very hospitable and have invited crew to the surface tonight. Protocol directs that the team comprise of myself, a medic, one of the tech staff and at least two security personnel, although we won’t make a big deal out of that.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Stardate: 203223

Now that everyone has started to calm down, it has become apparent that we overshot our planned trajectory more than we initially thought. Enough, in fact, to find us in the vicinity of an unchartered planet.

>error unrecognisable signal

Received, on my way. An unchartered planet that has just hailed us.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Stardate: 203222

What a ride! Not only did we beat the previous record, we smashed it. In fact I had to order helm to throttle back when we completely overshot our run length. Everything appears to be in one piece and there is a real buzz amongst the crew.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Stardate: 203221

All systems are secured and Tommy says we’re good to go. I just hope that doesn’t mean he’s turned the safeties off. Here we go again.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Stardate: 203220

True to his word, DuMond got us back online and even says we can take another run at the record. We’re rescanning from our present coordinates to see if we can run from here.

Monday, 11 August 2008

Stardate: 203219

We’ve had better days than yesterday. Before we even reached half the present record speed the engines completely shut down. Ancillaries too. DuMond assures me he’ll have us back online within an hour, but at the moment we’re floating in space.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Stardate: 203218

In one hour, we do a ÄŒerenkov run. It is potentially quite dangerous, as a miscalculation could pull the ship apart or run us into a star. Nonetheless, GE0 were very precise about our coordinates as it gives us one of the longest clear runs in the area. Tommy is confident. We shall see.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Stardate: 203217

Engineering are pulling double-shifts to tweak the engines to their maximum output. Just as well they were purged recently, they're close to peak efficiency now.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Stardate: 203216

I have said yes, so in two days this craft and crew have to be ready for a ÄŒerenkov run. In case we tear into a million pieces, allow me to explain to my family. Various Galaxy Explorer ships have been closing on the speed of light for some years now, and various crews are approached every year to try and break the previous record. GE0 believes that this crew, and specifically DuMond, are up for the task. I agree.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Stardate: 203215

On arrival at our new coordinates I received an encrypted message from GE0 asking if my ship and crew were ready for the enclosed mission. It's very tempting.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Stardate: 203214

DuMond assures me that the engines will be ready by the end of shift today. Just as well, as GE0 has sent us our next coordinates. No mission, just coordinates. Interesting.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Stardate: 203213

retinal scan initialising
ident-captain Cartier, Edward

Thank you Marisa. You and I must have that conversation about increasing the medical bay’s capacity – I believe you’ve earned that much. I’m slowly returning to regular duties, amongst my first being a report to GE0 about the Matak’s viral weapons. My next will be why the subphonic drive appears to be inoperable.

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Stardate: 203212

Chief Medical Officer override

As you will no doubt recall Captain, you tried to insist that you were well enough to return to duty, but I outrank you in these matters, so you remain in the medical bay, along with the majority of the other infected.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Stardate: 203211

Chief Medical Officer override

With the mutation sequence we have been able to get ahead of the virus and start curing our infirm. We’re pumping an inoculation through life support and have sent the formula to Ralos 3 as well, just to be safe. I believe an end is in sight.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Stardate: 203210

Chief Medical Officer override

A young man came bursting into the medical bay and said he ‘knew the formula’. After about 10 minutes I was able to get a straight answer from him and it became apparent that he had cracked the mutation sequence – impossible in the wild, but perfectly possible with a synthesised virus. Smart boy.

Monday, 28 July 2008

Stardate: 203209

Chief Medical Officer override

It transpires that you can feel unwell without having a mutating virus. I’m feeling fine now, but still under pressure to find out how to cure an illness that significantly changes every few hours. All 28 patients are alive, but who knows what the next day will bring, and I’m already beyond capacity.

Friday, 25 July 2008

Stardate: 203208

Chief Medical Officer override

This is just weird. The 'virus', for want of a better word, is mutating faster than we can immunise against it. This rapid adaptation does not appear in the wild – it is a synthesised attack. In the interests of full disclosure, I don't feel very well today.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Stardate: 203207

retinal scan initialising
ident-chief medical officer Yung, Marisa

Chief Medical Officer override

To enable the captain's log to remain a useful account, protocol dictates I lock my log into his under these circumstances. The captain was brought in this morning, unconscious, like the other six crew members I already have here. Whatever's going on, it's bad.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Stardate: 203206

Just heard multiple crew members ill. Bad. More than

>error-indistinguishable speech, please repeat

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Stardate: 203205

Running hot, not eating, ache everywhere. Yung strongly suggested I stay in quarters. Must let Commander Stratton know.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Stardate: 203204

Really feeling quite unwell this morning. Still, Captain's don't have the privilege of days off. Nonetheless, I'll keep a low profile today.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Stardate: 203203

We arrive at Ralos 3 later today and it will be good to see all the original fleet reunited.

System confirm relog within 2 seconds - no optical confirmation required

I am seriously out of shape. Less than an hour in the sports lounge yesterday and I feel horrible.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Stardate: 203202

I told Tommy to arrange a meeting between me and Ensign Mulder but haven’t heard back since. In the meantime I’m going to spend some time in the sports lounge for the first time this tour.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Stardate: 203201

We’re overdue some quiet days, so I’m hoping to catch up on some filework, amongst which is a commendation to Ensign Mulder. I'm recommending another commendation to Lieutenant Mulder's lead officer.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Stardate: 203200

The Descubra and Freedom have departed, while Lieutenant Garcia stays with us to return to Ralos 3. Let’s hope the return journey is uneventful.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Stardate: 203199

Captain Ryan knows how to make an entrance. The Matak craft are normally a nuisance rather than a threat, but the sheer number of them created a potential problem. Then the GE-Freedom messaged us to drop out of subphonics and there she was. The Freedom is a massive ship and I’ve never seen a fleet turn and run as fast as the Mataks.

>external recording-start
>send to-Ryan, Siobhan

Like I said Siobhan, I owe you. Don’t leave it so long before we meet up again. And different circumstances please! Look after yourself.

>external recording-stop
>sending confirmed

Friday, 11 July 2008

Stardate: 203198

We are at full subphonic speed, trying to outpace a Matak fleet. The scan was a success and we have Lieutenant Garcia, but his former captors are not happy. I’m trying to talk Captain Hernandez down from turning and fighting.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Stardate: 203197

Jay Mulder and his brother have come up with a scanning algorithm that would find anyone who has spent considerable time in a GE-class ship. DuMond has just run me through the theory and it is, frankly, genius. We are about to implement it.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Stardate: 203196

This could be a long, protracted process. At the moment I can’t get a straight answer as to whether the Matak’s even have Lieutenant Garcia. Captain Hernandez is getting jumpy, which is understandable I suppose.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Stardate: 203195

We arrive at the Matak moon later today and, as the lead ship, I will be negotiating the lieutenant’s release. Still, I will check with DuMond that weapons are fully operational.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Stardate: 203194

I met with Captain Hernandez of the Descubra today and discovered we are going to a moon of the Matak home world. I can’t say I’m happy about that, but if that’s where Lieutenant Garcia is, then that is where we are going.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Stardate: 203193

The GE-Descubra has joined us in the search pattern, as Lieutenant Garcia served with them for a time. They say experience tells them where he will most likely be held, so we are making our way to coordinates they have supplied.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Stardate: 203192

We have developed a search strategy for the missing crewman, which is underway. Yung has checked over the crew of the Pioneer and all seem well, if concerned for their missing friend.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Stardate: 203191

I am pleased to report that the brother of our Ensign is now on board. Still, the missing crewman, Lieutenant John Garcia, is someone’s brother or son. Senior crew are meeting to discuss the best way forward.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Stardate: 203190

We have contacted the once-missing ship, GE-Pioneer, and discovered that the discrepancy in life-signs is due to a kidnapping. Before the Pioneer could raise shields, a crew member was beamed off board. Our priorities are changing regularly. We need to get to the remaining crew, get them on board, and then go find our missing crewman.

Monday, 30 June 2008

Stardate: 203189

We’re getting 41 distinct life sign readings, but that out of a recorded crew manifest of 42. We are still outside communications range, so don’t know details, but it’s not looking good.

Friday, 27 June 2008

Stardate: 203188

A ship! It’s at the furthest reaches of our scanners, so we can detect a craft but cannot detect if there are life signs or not. We are making best speed toward their position.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Stardate: 203187

The ensign, whose name escapes me at the moment, was ‘otherwise disposed’ and unable to join me today. I hope he is coping. It cannot be an easy time. Still no sign.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Stardate: 203186

DuMond tells me that the scanners have been overclocked far beyond their normal range. In the meantime, I feel I should talk to the ensign whose brother is amongst the missing crew. I’ve arranged an informal meeting tomorrow.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Stardate: 203185

We are in a similar location to that when we were attacked by the Matak craft. No sign of them presently and, if they have any sense, it will stay that way.

Monday, 23 June 2008

Stardate: 203184

We’ve slowed and started a standard search pattern for the lost ship. It is as if the entire ship is holding its collective breath.

Friday, 20 June 2008

Stardate: 203183

It has been brought to my attention that one of the crew of the missing ship is the brother of one of our ensigns. We are making best speed and tweaking shields and scanners to be as efficient as we can. Time will tell, although I fear it is a luxury we can ill afford.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Stardate: 203182

All else seems well on Ralos 3. The settlers are establishing themselves as best they can. Their chief concern is for the welfare of the missing craft. We leave in one hour.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Stardate: 203181

We arrived this morning to mixed news. The earth fleet made it through with one exception. One ship became separated during an attack and no-one knows of its whereabouts. Once we have unloaded the last of the supplies to the settlers we are returning to search for it.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Stardate: 203180

I’ve asked DuMond to up the engine output in an attempt to arrive at Ralos as soon as possible.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Stardate: 203179

The attack was a fly-by from a fleet of tiny ships. They caused no significant damage – the engineering crew are repairing what there was. Some bumps and bruises that Yung is dealing with. My concern now is that the new settlers from earth would have to run through that sector as well and they were nowhere near as well defended.

Friday, 13 June 2008

Stardate: 203178

That ‘unusual amount of activity’ have powered up their weapons in the last hour and my concern is that this crew isn’t…Battle Stations!

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Stardate: 203177

Navigation reports an unusual amount of activity in the sector we’re coming to, most of it bearing down on us.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Stardate: 203176

Chief Medical Officer Yung tells me that the pre-flight medical reports showed the crew in generally good health. Nonetheless, she trusts GE0-Medical as far as a Meruvian can spit, so she will be doing her own medicals forthwith.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Stardate: 203175

DuMond reports most of the damage done by the Treling is now undone and I have to say the ship is running superbly. Oh, and last night appears to have been a great success for all involved. Good pie.

Monday, 9 June 2008

Stardate: 203174

All senior personnel are gathering in the mess tonight for dinner. Leaving the ship with Lieutenants and Ensigns for the first time always makes me nervous. Still, it’s only for a couple of hours.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Stardate: 203173

Lieutenant Willard is a fascinating soul, particularly as when he is relaxed you can see right through him. Literally.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Stardate: 203172

The Ralos system is our new destination to ensure the new inhabitants from Earth are settling in well on Ralos 3. Hopefully it will be a peaceful two week journey there.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Stardate: 203171

We leave orbit in 2 hours, and not a moment too soon. We should be receiving orders any moment.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Stardate: 203170

Tommy and his crew are piecing the ship back together again. He reckons we should be space-worthy again by tomorrow.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Stardate: 203169

retinal scan initialising
ident-captain Cartier, Edward
**logs unlocked**

So that was an interesting 24 hours. Our Treling liaison was in fact planning on making money through selling our ship as scrap - scrap! – once we had abandoned it. But I’m not sure he counted on DuMond’s tenacity at solving a problem.

Friday, 30 May 2008

Stardate: 203168

**logs locked**
Senior Personnel Only

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Stardate: 203167

On the basis that we lost transporters and none of the shuttles are operational, I agree with Tommy. We have a saboteur.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Stardate: 203166

DuMond and I had a straight conversation this morning. He doesn't believe the ship is at fault. The alternative is not pretty.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Stardate: 203165

It just got worse. We lost subphonic ability, so we can't practically return home. We're stranded on a failing ship.

Monday, 26 May 2008

Stardate: 203164

It's unusual for Tommy to take so long to get a problem like this fixed. Still, it could be worse.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Stardate: 203163

We have a problem. The entire communication system is down. Not only do crew have to deliver messages in person, but we have lost all comms with Galaxy Explorer #0 on earth. We'll stay in orbit while DuMond and his crew fix it.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Stardate: 203162

We have paused at Trelos 4 so the crew can eat some of the Trelings excellent food and get the nutritional units fixed. The last thing I need is an obese crew.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Stardate: 203161

These are, by far and away, the biggest quarters I have ever been assigned.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Stardate: 203160

I try and get round all the crew who have never flown with me before and spend two minutes talking to them. Nothing special, just to make them feel at home and try and make myself approachable. Let's shake it up and start at Z. Ok, no Zs. On to Ensign Yolander.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Stardate: 203159

The medical centre is complaining of a lack of space in the event of major casualties and the galley say the nutritional units are failing and adding fat. Ah the joys of a new ship.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Stardate: 203158

The GE-Forge is a fine ship and I believe she will serve us well. All hands to stations…

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Stardate: 203157

Everyone is reporting ‘systems ready’, so I’ve suggested a shakedown – Neptune and back. Let’s see how she handles.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Stardate: 203156

Still in SP0 as there is an engine fault yet to be rectified.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Stardate: 203155

We have yet to leave Space Port #0 as the final tests are yet to be completed on the systems. They can be done by Space Port personnel but I always put in a request that the crew who will use them, test them. It instils confidence.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Stardate: 203154

retinal scan initialising
ident-captain Cartier, Edward
User locked
User log opened
Voice notation system started

Command number 4. I never get tired of day 1 on a new ship. That fresh electron smell. About 20% of the crew have come across from my previous post on the GE-Armour and another 20% I know from previous posts, but the rest are either new to me or just plain new. It must be an exciting day for them.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Stardate: 203115

retinal scan initialising
ident-chief systems engineer DuMond, Thomas
retinal scan complete - errors acknowledged
Power-down cycle...complete

**system initialising**
>dbase online<
level 1 diagnostics...running...
...running.. 87% completed...
Initialising HoloMem modules...
System Errors Listed Below :-
no errors

retinal scan initialising
ident-chief systems engineer DuMond, Thomas
retinal scan complete - no errors
Accessing Personal Logs
System Ready - Clearing Screen. . .

Please Use Retinal Scan to Log In

Friday, 14 March 2008

Stardate: 203113

**system initialising**
>dbase online<
level 1 diagnostics...running...
...running.. 87% completed...
System Errors Listed Below :-
HoloMem corrupt from 2-84 through 2-99

retinal scan initialising
ident-systems engineer Strauss, Daniel
retinal scan complete - errors acknowledged
Logoff confirmed